Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Sometimes i wonder if i'm just a big hypocrite. I know what and what not i should be doing and yet sometimes i do what i know is wrong. The past couple of days, i was trying to give some so-called advice to a friend and i ended up realizing that i wasn't practising what i was preaching. It's so easy to tell others what to do but what's the use when you don't even apply it in your own life? It's about time i took my own advice...

On another note, i'm wondering if i should continue this blog now that the Georise chapter is finished. Since the main objective of setting up this blog has been achieved, there seems to be no point in keeping it alive. Why? For one, there's hardly anyone who reads it and 2. i don't know if i have the motivation to keep it going. So...what next?

1 comment:

  1. Don't stop. Just a short paragraph once a while would be swell. That beats asking your mom or sis how you're doing.
