Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What are your reasons?

This afternoon, i experienced something which i can only describe as an encounter with God. And it all stemmed from one simple question.

It was just after lunch and my colleagues and i were walking back to the office. I was chatting with one of them and somehow the chat came round to me sharing with her how a Christian's walk is difficult at times. I was explaining (or more like whining) how my relationship with God was not getting anywhere. Then came the question - why do you seek to deepen your relationship with Him? Is it to find contentment or peace. Ok, i don't exactly remember how the question sounded like but it meant something like the above. My first answer was rather lame, amounting to something that sounded like "Yes, sort of". But as i sat at my cubicle, i couldn't seem to stop thinking about it, wondering how i could have given a better answer.

And so, there i was trying to think of a good textbook like answer. I began to draw an analogy to our relationship with our physical earthly father. And then, suddenly i began to realize that all this while, i never truly knew what i was doing and the reasons for doing it. "Why do you seek to deepen your relationship with God?". I never really knew or understood why. Perhaps it is because that was what people said was the right thing to do. Pursue God, improve your relationship with Him. But what are one's own reasons for that?

Finally, i realized what the answer was. It's very simple really. What are some of the things that form the basis of all relationships? Love, trust, understanding and respect for each other are some of it. When you love someone, be it your parents, other family members, your significant other or even your friends, wouldn’t you try to get to know them better, understand a little more about what makes them tick, put your trust in them and respect them for who they are? If you love your parents, you would also obey them and trust them to know what's best for you. And so it is with our heavenly Father. You want to get to know Him better, understand Him, put your trust in Him, share your life with Him. And because you respect and fear Him, you obey Him and try to be like Him. A healthy relationship should be not just one sided but interactive and continually growing. So why does one pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus? Simply because you love Him. You don't do it because someone else told you to do it. You don't seek His face just because your friends are doing it and it seems like the right thing to do. do it, simply out of your love for Him.

I felt that burden to put down my thoughts in writing and so that's what i did. I emailed my colleague with whatever i could share. Most of it is up there but the version here has been tweaked to reflect as best as possible of what was truly an encounter with God. I truly believe that He was speaking to me through that very simple question. Simply amazing how that touch comes when you least expect it.

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